The importance of Fasting

Quotation: If the road is beautiful be worried about the destination. If the destination is beautiful, don’t worry about the road. – Bamidele Adeoye.

Nobody has ever fasted in the correct way and died. If the Old Testament was not relevant it would not have been added to the Bible.

Fasting comes with common sense. If you are advised by anyone not to fast, that person is an agent of darkness. Fasting does not change God, rather it changes you. During this period of Fasting may we encounter God like never before. If you are looking to change the pattern in your family, you have to learn the grace of fasting. Also you have to be the champion to break that pattern in your family.

In your journey of life, you will be accountable to God. Remember that Heaven is an individual thing. You have to let your life reflect the Christ you are serving.
Isaiah 58:1-14

This passage contrasts hypocritical fasts with true acts of devotion. God wants us to serve Him out of our love for Him. When we are obedient to Him because we want to please Him, we, too, will find that He will guide us into truth and His blessings will be poured out on our lives in abundance.

During this time of fasting endeavour to be a world changer. Ask God to show you how to help someone change his/her life.

Remove bitterness from your life that you have been carrying for years. For fasting to work you have to have a pure and clean heart that is filled with God’s love. Search your heart and renew your mind. Ask yourself what you need to do or adjust in your life. We are living in a judgemental season where people are quick to judge everyone. Be prayerful and pray for people who are going through challenges.

God has chosen fasting:

  1. To loose the bonds of wickedness.
  2. To let the oppress go free.
  3. To share your bread with the hungry.
    Be a good person so that your prayers can be answered.
    Matthew 17:14-21
    Rebuking the Disciples for Their “Little Faith” – The Exorcism of the Epileptic Child. DON’T QUIT ON TRUSTING GOD TO PERFORM THE IMPOSSIBLE.
    What you have to do:
  4. Ask God to empower you. God knows what you need. (Matthew 6:33.) But seek first his kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.
  5. Have a deeper relationship with God. He is looking for a relationship with us.
  6. Show your commitment to God so that He will see that you are serious. Even after fasting continue to live a fasted life. Serve God with all your heart.
  7. Prepare for the blessing. When your prayers are answered don’t block it. Don’t be like the people in Acts 12(story of Peter). Be prepared for the miracle.
  8. Humble yourself. Focus your prayer in getting results. Fix your heart on God. Focus on God and not on your problem. He will take care of you.
  9. Be consistent with prayer. Fasting with prayer go together.
  10. Be open with God. Let it be God’s will and not your will. Doors will he opened for you when you least expect.
  11. Be thankful when your prayers are answered. Thank him for the blessings and continue to give him