Prayer: You shall receive divine provision. IJN
1 Kings 17:1-16- Divine Provision
V1 – Declaration – Divine rain shall fall upon you.
Declaration – The Lord will honour your words. God makes sure that his own does not suffer.
V5 – Word of knowledge was declared. God can do all things. If God guides,he will provide. There are powers who are not superior to your God. Follow his leading and he will provide. God is a provider don’t matter how hard things are. There are certain spiritual principles you have to follow. If not things will always be hard. The life we live is individualistic. Don’t allow any one to discourage you from serving your God.
Matthew 6:33 -But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Shepherds will always provide. (Psalm 23). If you make the Lord your Shepherd you will never want.
Sheep and Dogs are very well taken care of. All other animals eg wolves and lions have to fend for themselves.
Shepherds do not sleep or slumber. They look after their sheep. Our God is a good Shepherd. As long as you have God you have everything.
God will not lead you where he will not provide for you.
God will take care of you don’t matter what. He is your Jehovah – Jireh.
Facts to take away:
- When God guides he will provide.
- When God leads he will hide you. V2. (God told Elijah to go and hide by the Brook) God always have better plans for you. God is good, he protects you. People my have given up on you but God has not given up on you. God has the best security to protect you. Learn to know when God is hiding you.
- When God provides, it is always sufficient for you. Circumstances of life can change or vary. There is no permanent condition or situation. Question: Are you still going to remain on the same spot? Focus on God. We have the same God but we have different seasons. Never look at anybody, they may be in a different season than you. Be thankful for your season. We still have the same God.
- When God provides it can be natural or supernatural. God’s supernatural will always meet the natural. God will not bring Ravens if there is no Brook. You still need to do what you have to do. If not God will not bring the supernatural to the natural. Supernatural make natural. Invite God into what you are doing. Make him the centre of what you do and he will give you the support you need. Your supernatural must come from God. Natural must come from you. You have to do something to attract God’s supernatural.
- God blesses with unlikely items . God can use anything or someone to bless you. Eg Moses being Raised by Pharaoh ‘s daughter. (Exodus 2)
- God’s provision can always see good times.
Question: Have you ever asked God what is your next season? Some times you need to upgrade or reset yourself. - When God provides, it is always better.